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Colloidal Copper for Poison Ivy

Can you use Colloidal Copper for poison ivy?

We’ve received several testimonials from people who sprayed Colloidal Copper Skin Toner on their Poison Ivy. All of these people reported that it gave them instant relief. One customer said she “could watch the transformation happen before her eyes and wishes she had a video recorder to document it”. Another customer said “it took only 15 minutes for their poison ivy to begin rapidly fading away”.

Last week, after working outdoors while wearing sandals, I unfortunately got a good bit of poison ivy on my left foot. Normally, I would just spray colloidal silver or apply Soothing Silver Gel, which helps to temporarily relieve the itching, but then I remembered about the testimonials. So I grabbed my bottle of Colloidal Copper Skin Toner and sprayed it on.

All the little bumps on my foot from the poison ivy started to shrink and dry up, and the itching was significantly reduced. I truly feel that colloidal copper dramatically sped up the healing process. This makes sense when you think about how colloidal copper works. Besides stimulating the formation of collagen and elastin within the skin (which helps to firm the skin and diminish fine lines, sagging and wrinkles), colloidal copper also supports the skin’s ability to repair itself by increasing the activity of copper-dependent enzymes, of which 13 are found in the skin. The job of these copper-dependent enzymes is to repair, restore and rejuvenate the skin, so it’s no wonder colloidal copper appears to be beneficial for poison ivy.

Would anyone else like to share any stories about how they used colloidal silver or colloidal copper for poison ivy?

2 Responses

  1. It is by far, the most instantaneous, almost miraculous treatment i’ve ever tried for poison ivy. i was using benadryl spray, tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar, all gave minor relief. I just spread some colloidal silver on my poison ivy rash and i am honestly shocked at how quick its fading away and not itching at all anymore. Wow! Colloidal silver is a must have.

    1. Hello,

      Thanks for sharing your success story. So glad to hear that our colloidal silver helped your poison ivy! Colloidal silver is very healing to the skin, while colloidal copper is beautifying to the skin. However, we’ve received amazing testimonials from customers that have successfully relieved poison ivy by spraying colloidal copper on it. Either way, colloidal silver and/or copper are very beneficial to have on hand if you get poison ivy. Colloidal silver works great for relieving the itching from bug bites too!

      Be well,

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